Publications and resources

A more consumer-focused shared ownership model which will result in increased demand and supply

With higher interest rates and rising costs of living, the need for affordable homeownership opportunities has never been greater. 

This discussion paper provides a set of action-oriented suggestions to improve consumer experience of shared ownership, anchored by an industry-led framework. We know that there are common pain points experienced across the shared ownership journey, and we believe that industry-led, cross-industry effort could drive improvements on many of these fronts. 

Update following responses to discussion paper on shared ownership

Between May and July 2023, we received feedback on the discussion paper, and continued to engage with key government and regulatory stakeholders. The purpose of this note is to share with audiences:

  • The level of agreement on the need for reform within shared ownership.

  • The emerging shape of the industry-led framework this is leading to.

  • The key points raised in qualitative responses and how they are part of our thinking.